Birth Control Specialist

Daniel Esteves, MD -  - Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Daniel Esteves, MD

Obstetricians & Gynecologists located in Lawrenceville, GA

No single type of birth control is right for all women. You have unique health and family needs as well as preferences and habits. OB/GYN Daniel Esteves, MD, practicing in Lawrenceville, Georgia, is able to help. He guides you as you navigate the dozens of options to determine which type of birth control suits you and offers prescriptions and insertions as needed. Call the office or schedule online to learn about your contraception options.

Birth Control Q&A

What are the major types of birth control?

The various kinds of birth control can be categorized by how they prevent pregnancy. The following types are the most common.


This includes tubal ligation and male vasectomy. These surgeries permanently prevent pregnancy and usually aren’t reversible.

Barrier methods

The condom, sponge, and diaphragm are examples of barrier methods. Pregnancy is prevented by keeping the sperm from meeting the egg.

Long-acting reversible contraceptives

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) use copper or hormones to prevent a woman’s body from getting pregnant. IUDs offer long term protection, from 3-10 years, and are reversible. Implantable hormonal devices, such as Nexplanon®, also fall into this category.

Short-acting hormonal methods

Examples include the birth control pill and Depo-Provera® shot. These are available via prescription from Dr. Esteves and require you to take them daily (or monthly) to alter your hormone status so pregnancy isn’t possible.

Natural rhythm methods

Tracking your cycle so you do not have intercourse on your most fertile days is a natural method of birth control that requires no medications or devices.

What should I consider when weighing birth control options?

Dr. Esteves takes into account your current health and medical history when determining what birth control option is right for you. He also asks you to consider the answer to specific questions, including:

  • What are the side effects of each method?
  • How often do you have sex?
  • Do you want a family one day and how soon?
  • Are you in a mutually monogamous relationship?

Of course, the effectiveness of each method is also important. Certain types of birth control are more convenient than others, too. For example, condoms are only about 85% effective in preventing pregnancy, while the IUD is more than 99% effective.

If convenience is most important, you may prefer to have Nexplanon inserted in your arm and do its work for three years without you having to do anything, like remembering to take a daily pill.

Is there birth control that keeps me safe from sexually transmitted diseases?

The only methods that offer some protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are male and female condoms. These methods aren’t the most reliable when it comes to preventing pregnancy, however. Your best option is to use two layers if you’re engaging in sexual activity that may lead to STDs. For example, use a condom every time you have intercourse for STD protection and take the pill or have an IUD inserted to prevent pregnancy.

To learn which birth control method is right for you and obtain a prescription, call the office or book online.